Good summary of the financial origins of the cult.
Just one question: Why doesn't the WTBTS (in the U.S.) have to publicly show its balance sheets nowadays?
charles t. russell, age of 13, joined the congregational church (dumped presbyterian).. he went (like girl scouts are sent out with cookies to sell) door to door to raise money for the congregational church.. attitude as a youthrussell hated fundraising.
he had to ask poor people to part with their money.
he said he felt he was "fleecing the flock.".
Good summary of the financial origins of the cult.
Just one question: Why doesn't the WTBTS (in the U.S.) have to publicly show its balance sheets nowadays? 1951, but unfit for consumption for those jw's children & grandchildren.. w51 12/15 pp.
763-764 - paul was known as the “apostle to the nations.” he produced “the signs of an apostle”.
(2 cor. 1951, but unfit for consumption for those JW's children & grandchildren.
w51 12/15 pp. 763-764 - Paul was known as the “apostle to the nations.” He produced “the signs of an apostle”. (2 Cor. 12:12) He unquestionably became the twelfth apostle of the Lamb.
Thankfully, (for JW's) the present spirit-inspired "faithful slave" discovered that the previous Guardians Of Doctrines (G.O.D.'s) weren't very good at guarding doctrines:
bt chap. 2 p. 19 par. 21 - Thus, Matthias became one of “the twelve.” Paul was later appointed to be “an apostle to the nations,” but he was never reckoned among the 12. He had not followed Jesus during His earthly ministry, so he did not qualify for that special privilege.
........back in 1949!.
w50 3/15 p. 96 letters - "jesus held many public lectures, but there is no record that he opened or closed any of them with prayer....surely those of the public who are not of the christian faith do not turn out to our meetings in order to join with us in prayer to our god, but solely to hear the speech which is the drawing feature.
so we give them that and do not think to impose upon them by attaching something else to the lecture which might offend or stumble them before they hear the speech they came for.
........back in 1949!
w50 3/15 p. 96 Letters - "Jesus held many public lectures, but there is no record that he opened or closed any of them with prayer....Surely those of the public who are not of the Christian faith do not turn out to our meetings in order to join with us in prayer to our God, but solely to hear the speech which is the drawing feature. So we give them that and do not think to impose upon them by attaching something else to the lecture which might offend or stumble them before they hear the speech they came for."
every witness says they are “ in the truth”.
that expression implies that what they say is the “truth “.
how could you help a witness understand that they clearly do not have “the truth “?.
Pose questions to try and get them to think - don't bludgeon them with evidential statements.
e.g. "Someone asked me why we say the Catholic confessional is wrong, and yet JW's are compelled to confess to three elders. I didn't know what to say. How would you have responded?"
interesting video explaining how to end a bible study.. watch the kind of uber behaviour of the witnesses: make a choice or we leave.... so hard, so not christian.
no love for the person.. g..
They read Matthew 13:23 which says, "As for the one sown upon the fine soil, this is the one hearing the word and getting the sense of it, who really does bear fruit," but avoid mentioning anything about Galatians 5:22,23 which clearly states that "...the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control..."
Compounding their dogma, the org says this about Matthew 13:23 - "...the fruitage in this case is neither new disciples nor fine Christian qualities." (w03 2/1 p. 21 par. 11 “Keep Bearing Much Fruit”)
(Matthew 7:15, 16) “Be on the watch for the false prophets* who come to you in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will recognize them..."
(*1914,1915,1925,1975, before the end of the 20th century, etc. etc.)
the org's very existence depends on this mystical year - a fabrication created by mr. rutherfraud to convince the credulous* that he & his pals had been personally selected by god almighty as the "faithful slave" and the only true religion.
w16 march p. 29 par.
2 questions from readers - in 1919, jesus appointed “the faithful and discreet slave” over god’s cleansed people to give them spiritual “food at the proper time.” .
The org's very existence depends on this mystical year - a fabrication created by Mr. Rutherfraud to convince the credulous* that he & his pals had been personally selected by God Almighty as the "faithful slave" and the only true religion.
w16 March p. 29 par. 2 Questions From Readers - in 1919, Jesus appointed “the faithful and discreet slave” over God’s cleansed people to give them spiritual “food at the proper time.”
w16 March p. 31 Questions From Readers - Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Revelation 11:7-12 each speak of a spiritual restoration that took place in 1919.
w15 7/15 p. 8 par. 7 - By 1919, those approved by Jehovah and serving at his spiritual temple were clearly identified.
w14 1/15 p. 13 par. 5 - Jehovah directed Jesus to inspect and refine the spiritual condition of his followers on earth...History shows that this took place between 1914 and the early part of 1919.
* Credulity is a state of willingness to believe in one or many people or things in the absence of reasonable proof or knowledge. Credulity is not simply a belief in something that may be false. The subject of the belief may even be correct, but a credulous person will believe it without good evidence. (Wikipedia)
apologies if this topic has been discussed earlier.. i was thinking of whether demanding for a ban on shunning policy would be beneficial for the larger society.
following are some things that we need to remember while advocating the issue:.
1. shunning is not limited to jw's and for many americans, it is not that controversial as it seems.. 2. jw shunning is not a dark secret policy.
Prevention is better than cure: use every opportunity to advertise, advertise, advertise, the extreme punishment which awaits any convert who openly questions or challenges a current JW dogma.
Only the governing body of JW's has the right to see that a long-held teaching is no longer "truth" and to abandon it. This is the golden rule for JW's.
i’m just curious to hear other people’s input on different scriptures or quotes from the society or witnesses that are used out of context.
i’ve always found it funny when a scripture is quoted and applied to whatever point they’re trying to make, but where it was taken from in the bible passage has nothing to do with what they’re getting at..
Wow!!! A "new light" was quietly inserted by the faithful slave-master exactly 20 years later -
w93 6/1 p. 11 par. 14 - It is through Christ Jesus that our sacrifice of praise is offered. And it is principally by means of that sacrifice of praise, that public declaration to his name, [Jesus'] that we show our love of God.
Are many JW's actually aware of this profound statement from their lords & masters in Warwick?
i’m just curious to hear other people’s input on different scriptures or quotes from the society or witnesses that are used out of context.
i’ve always found it funny when a scripture is quoted and applied to whatever point they’re trying to make, but where it was taken from in the bible passage has nothing to do with what they’re getting at..
Welcome NoMoreJWGuilt. Looking forward to hearing your about your JW experiences.
I'm so glad you asked this question, because it prodded me into looking for proof in the org's literature of how they falsely represent the wording in Hebrews 13:15 - "....public declaration to his name."
Every JW has been led to believe that this verse refers to the name of Jehovah, and yet, I had to go back 46 years to find an org quote which explicitly claimed this -
w73 5/1 p. 260 What Does God’s Name Mean to You? - Does Your Teaching Truly Honor God's Name?....Do you ‘publicly’ declare your faith in God’s name?
If asked, the vast majority/all JW's would answer, 'Jehovah's name' - not 'Jesus.'Who were Christians to witness for?
Matthew 10:18; Mark 13:9; Luke 24:48; John 1:15; 5:37; 8:18; 15:26,27; Acts 1:8; 9:15,16; 10:39; 10:43; 13:31; 22:15; 22:20; 23:11; 26:16; 1 Cor. 1:6; 1 Tim. 2:6,7; 2 Tim. 1:8; 1 John 5:9; Revelation 1:9; 12:17; 17:6; 19:10; 20:4.
Who was God's witness? Revelation 1:5; 3:14; 19:11.
Whose name was primary in the lives of 1st century Christians? Matthew 10:22; 18:20; 19:29; 24:9; Luke 10:17; 21:12; 21:16, 17; John 2:23; 5:27,28; 14:26; 15:16; Acts 2:38; Acts 3:6; 4:10; 5:40,41; 9:14-16; 10:48; 11:26; 16:18; 19:5; 22:16; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:15; Philippians 2:10; Hebrews 13:15*; Revelation 2:3;13.
Christians had to do everything in/for Christ's name - and nothing in God's name!
i can now say that i'm not alone to know ttatt in my congregation, after all.. i have come to know that my close friend is awake, even without me sharing the ttatt with him/her.
on one of our recent conversations i mentioned about being tired and no longer being uplifted anymore, and my friend then told me he/she was feeling the same.
i don't know how it happened but we knew we could trust each other.
OND - I am so glad that you have found a friend to support you in the JW wilderness. As you both progress with your fade, don't make statements to other JW's, just pose questions. Get them to think about what the answer should be.
You have a PM.